Advantages of convenient usability SmartSEM Touch can be interactive work by using your fingertips and process control. It is easy to learn, greatly reduce the training effort and cost, even new users in a few minutes to capture the amazing images. This user interface also supports need workflow automation industry operators to perform repeatable inspection tasks. Excellent image quality was good at to get the sample without conductive coating untreated high quality data. EVO also allows the sample retain its original state, to maintain water and polluting the data quality of the sample. In addition as a like when facing challenges and trace analysis, selection of LaB6 filament can give better resolution, contrast and signal-to-noise ratio. EVO can EVO associated with other equipment can be used as a semi-automatic, part of the work flow, by repositioning area of interest, and in a variety of ways to collect data, form the integrity of the information. The optical and electron microscope image combined material characterization or parts inspection, or will the EVO is associated with Zeiss optics microscope, particle degree correlation analysis. Suitable for more users for experienced and novice user operation is very convenient in practical laboratory environment, the operation of the SEM are usually experts the exclusive domain of microscope. But for the expert user, SEM operation becomes a challenge, such as students, trainees or quality engineer, they often need to get data from SEM. EVO is also considering the needs of the two types of users, the user interface options can meet experienced microscopists can meet the needs of the non-professional user operation.
  • Introduction
  • The user
  • Product description
  • Vacuum chamber size selection
Modular SEM platform suitable for intuitive operation, routine testing and research applications EVO series high-performance scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and intuitive, user-friendly interface experience together, at the same time to attract experienced users as well as new users. Whether in the life science, material science, or routine industrial quality assurance and failure analysis, with a wide range of optional configuration, EVO can be customized according to your requirement. Microscope center or industrial quality assurance laboratory multi-function solutions of different vacuum chamber size and can meet all application requirements of the objective table options - and even large industrial parts samples using LaB6 filament, can obtain excellent image quality with non-conductive and non conductive coating samples of imaging and excellent performance can be furnished with a variety of analysis detector is used to meet the needs of all kinds of microscopic analysis application
Expert users to select the user interface: SmartSEM expert users can access and set up advanced imaging parameters and analysis capabilities. Novice users preferred user interface: SmartSEM Touch novice users can use the predefined workflow and some commonly used parameters - very suitable for beginners.
Intelligent navigation and greatly improve the test efficiency of the sample, and the more data output Zeiss navigation cameras can be installed at the front of a bin, to monitor the sample with the back scattering detector and the relative position between the bottom of the objective (bin) camera. Or installed in a vacuum chamber above the doors (navigation camera), using the view sample on the placement of the sample. This view can be used to set out of the optical microscope image recognition of predefined location, and easy navigation in the whole process of sample testing. EVO realized automation intelligent imaging of the sample batch automatic, unattended image acquisition. Zeiss automation intelligent imaging is very suitable for routine testing. It enables users to customize the border area, to automatically generate the required view or magnification identified interest area, and began to obtain image automatically. Automation intelligent imaging will greatly improve the test efficiency of the sample, data output, and more. Will you use research to promote a level six boride lanthanum electronic transmitters can get a better image of six boride lanthanum tungsten hairpin filament cathode than traditional emitted electron can ensure the quality of the images you additional need. This advantage is embodied in the following two aspects: the electronic probe size (resolution) of the same, there are more probe current available, to make it easier for image navigation and optimization on the same probe current (signal-to-noise ratio), the light spot diameter is much smaller, which improves the image resolution is low accelerating voltage under high magnification of catalyst particles (left: use tungsten filament, right: use of LaB6 filament) when under the condition of challenging imaging, users of LaB6 filament will be up to 10 times the beam brightness, thus improve the image resolution and contrast. EVO can be associated with other equipment process automation, and associated microscope because the Zeiss is the benefits of a good supplier in all kinds of microscope and measurement system, so you can also use the EVO combined with Zeiss other solutions, make its function can play better. Through the use of the Shuttle and Find (Zeiss microscope associated hardware and software), you can (digital), optical microscope and establish a more efficient mode combination between EVO workflow. Unique optical microscope optical contrast method with the same unique scanning electron microscopy (sem) imaging and analysis method, the combination of complementary data obtained, thereby to understand more clearly the material, quality, or failure mechanism of the sample. Information collection elements. In view of the conventional microscopic analysis application of optimized the collocation of SEM and EDS is used must be carefully detailed considerations. EVO SmartEDX very for conventional microscopic analysis on the application, especially for data repeatability is ideal choice for demanding customers. It in 129 eV energy resolution and 1-5 nA probe current EVO working conditions (typical) of high flux. Thanks to excellent transmittance silicon nitride window, SmartEDX more suited to detect low-energy x-rays from lighter elements. Work processes to guide the graphical user interface SmartEDX aims to improve the usability of multi-user environment and repetitive work process. Guided with other Zeiss workflow software solutions (such as: SmartSEM Touch of ZEN core or EVO Shuttle&Find), SmartEDX software easy to learn and use the intuitive, and help ensure repeatability on the SEM analysis tasks, especially in a number of operators using the system environment. A full range of Zeiss service and system support SmartEDX by Zeiss to provide comprehensive support, so the EDS solution is perfect for those who want to streamline analysis equipment supplier number of customers. All installation, preventive maintenance, repair, diagnosis and maintenance, spare parts logistics as well as the whole system service contents of the contract shall be the responsibility of the Zeiss comprehensive, SEM analysis solution for you to provide one-stop support.
Zeiss EVO 10 choose EVO 10 (optional BSD and EDS) is you want at a very affordable price to buy the specification of the scanning electron microscope (sem). Even if the EVO vacuum chamber is small, it is also different from the desktop electron microscopy (sem). You are now in the EVO investment ensures you have need more space for the future and application of port ready. Maximum sample height 100 mm maximum diameter 230 mm electric slide stroke XYZ 80 x 100 x 35 mm conductive sample quality imaging and analysis of variable pressure pattern not conductive and spraying high quality imaging and analysis of conductive layer sample extension model water or contaminated samples in its natural state Zeiss EVO 15 EVO 15 fully demonstrates the flexibility of the EVO family concept, and good at analytical applications. Choose the EVO 15 larger vacuum chamber, and increase of non-conductive samples or parts imaging and analysis of the mode of variable pressure, you will have a multi-functional multi-purpose microscope equipment or industrial quality assurance laboratory solutions. Maximum sample height 145 mm maximum diameter 250 mm electric slide stroke XYZ 125 x 125 x 50 mm conductive sample quality of non-conductive variable pressure mode) imaging and analysis) and not spraying high quality imaging and analysis of conductive layer samples) expansion pressure water model) or the contaminated samples in its natural state imaging quality 25 evo25 Zeiss EVO is the main industrial solutions, it has enough space to accommodate even larger parts and components. Optional 80 mm Z axis stroke object stage can be further extend the functionality of the EVO 25, it can handle the weight up to 2 kg of sample even tilt. In addition, a large vacuum chamber will be able to accommodate multiple analysis detector to meet the demanding the trace analysis of application requirements. Maximum sample height 210 mm maximum diameter 300 mm electric slide stroke XYZ 130 x 130 x 50 mm (or 80) conductive sample quality variable pressure not conductive pattern) imaging and analysis) and not spraying high quality imaging and analysis of conductive layer samples) expansion pressure water model) or the contaminated samples in its natural state imaging quality